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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Truth Behind “Holy Communion”

The Truth Behind “Holy Communion”

       One of the most intricate parts of Christianity is Communion. In this act, a follower takes a drink of wine (or juice) as the preacher, pastor, or priest speaks the words “The blood of Christ”. This is followed by receiving a piece of bread or “communion wafer” while the words “the body of Christ” are spoken. 2000 years before Christianity, Mithra was the absolute source of the "Holy Communion". Here is an exert from "
The Lord's supper was not invented by Paul, but was borrowed by him from Mithraism, the mystery religion that existed long before Christianity and was Christianity's chief competitor up until the time of Constantine. In Mithra-ism, the central figure is the mythical Mithras, who died for the sins of mankind and was resurrected".   It is so accepted that the followers can go their whole lives not seeing it for what it is: a ritual in cannibalism! What is cannibalism but the devouring of human flesh? This communion ritual is an example of this. Some members of the Christian faith actually believe with their whole hearts that when the blood is mentioned, it literally BECOMES BLOOD, and the bread BECOMES FLESH! In this case, and it is wider than I thought, they in their own mind are drinking real blood and eating real flesh! I spoke to one follower who insisted that this is what happens, 100% fact. Knowingly (even if it's just in their mind), eating flesh and drinking blood is taken with a grain of salt and is never looked at in any other way in their eyes. 

             To them, it is a wonderful thing, but they are taking part in a blood ritual that is several thousand years older. This is an example of how strong they are at manipulating their followers. This was an 87 year old woman who's husband would get up for church Monday through Sunday at 6:30 a.m. to go into the back yard and kneel in frount of a statue of the Virgin Mary for an hour, reciting the rosary! Two of the sweetest people I have ever met and still they were consumed by fear of being rejected or getting stuck in Purgatory for some forgotten and therefore unconfessed  sin for a thousand years or so. It is amazing. I researched whether or not Catholics can use white wine. On this forum, Catholics are arguing whether it is okay to use white wine because white doesen't look like blood!  Catholic Forum

"White wine is permitted because the color of the wine doesn't matter. Some people feel that red wine is more appropriate because they feel the red signifies blood better. 

But all that matters is the fact that the wine will become the blood of Christ."
Forum Supporter
       Here is a member that confirms that Catholics really do believe that 
it is transformed into flesh and blood. Hence, it is a blood ritual. Period!

       But these rituals, such as communion (the symbolic drinking of blood and eating of flesh), have a much earlier use. Sacrifice to a so-called, all-loving god was in affect. The commanded action of Abraham to kill his son, and stopping it at the last second, is an example of a god that likes to torment his followers by demanding harsh extremes up to and including the slaughter of others.
      In the case of religion, the results involve God's intervention. For example, “in Old-Testament times, under the direction of the prophets, the people sacrificed animals in similitude of the sacrifice which Jesus was going to make in their behalf. Rituals regarding the Passover were especially evident. 

In the time of Jesus, doves and other animals were sacrificed by the hundreds of thousands yearly in the temple. Yet today, these same God-introduced actions would seem strange, almost cultic. Nevertheless, they were commanded of God through Moses.”  Stephen R. GibsonHorizon Publishing & Distributors Incorporated
      So in the time of their “savior”, hundreds of thousands of Doves and other animals were sacrificed yearly in the temple. The sacrificing of the Dove would mean that they were sacrificing the bird considered most sacred as an image of peace! You would think that the “Prince of Peace” would have something to say about this! 
      To sum it up, the god of the trinity is a god who requires much blood to be satisfied, but it has now been replaced by the ritual of Communion for Christianity, while the Muslims are still very much in bloodlust as they blow themselves up for a god who obviously cannot fight for himself, then again, neither can the Christian or the Jewish god for that matter. “Thou shall not kill” is a command broken by the very god who commanded it, so much that the commandment was re-written in newer translations as “Do not murder” replacing kill with murder. We see Joshua being commanded to kill even the women and children of Jericho. 
       If his god ordered or participated in the killing of innocent people, then He would be guilty of murder. The sixth commandment is "Thou shalt not kill."Some claim that God violated His own commandment in ordering the destruction of entire cities, just to allow the Jews to have a homeland in the Middle East.
       The Bible confirms that "God" ordered the killing of thousands of people. Isn't this an open and shut case for the hypocrisy of the God of the Bible? Let us not forget the most evident action of terror when Joshua was commanded to kill everyone, even pregnant women of Canaan! Now I do not care how they spin it, the killing of children and pregnant woman is the most disgusting acts that can be committed by anyone. One of the reasons for this massacre of Canaan, is that they were sacrificing children. So lets take a look of the logic of what happened... the people were reported to be killing children as a sacrifice, so the “logical” response is to kill everyone INCLUDING pregnant women and children! So let me guess, the UNBORN are wicked also right? 
 Joshua 6:21 "And they put everything in the town to the curse; men and women, young and old, ox and sheep and ass, they put to death without mercy."

- Basic English Bible" 

      Now we have communion to replace the sacrifice of DOVES by the hundreds of thousands as well as other animals. An enactment of drinking the blood and eating the flesh of their savior is deemed a holy act. As literal slaughter has been replaced by the act of communion, as it is more civilized.
       So I ask again: where is Satan in all of this? The answer is simple, he is doing nothing to cause these “holy wars”. He is blameless in all of this. If it is as the “Trinity of Deception” would have us believe, the Trinity would unite against this common enemy and fight him, but they kill in the name of their impotent masters as faith blames faith and swear to destroy each other. They are killing each other in the name of their god with no remorse, only a single purpose...Domination over all others.
The “savior” of Christianity still requires a blood ritual to be satisfied, but those who have “sinned” are not worthy until they go to confession. Then they can partake in the ritual of blood and flesh known as Communion.
   ***If you would like to support my book “Lifting the Veil... From Religion to Spirituality, From Fear to Flight” available on, this web site, or my upcoming new podcast on Podbean called “Lifting the Veil with Author Joshua Crispino” (please look up the show and follow on the Podbean App!) It would be a tremendous help, as I have chosen to do this full time.

    The show, the book and this site are my work now. Reaching out to as many people as I can is now my goal. I'm expanding my research and will be adding new pages to this site, now that the book is finished,and covering them on the show. I need to move forward so I can actually connect with people one on one., as well as increase this site.

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