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Monday, February 8, 2016

The Dark Side

    The Dark Side is everywhere and in all things just as the Light Side is, yet it is seen as the source of all things Evil. The main reason for this , I believe, is the power of words and the understanding of what thoughts are associated with them, accurate or not. Forces are Dark and Light, but they are not good and evil. Negative and Positive are energies, but they are not good or evil, and yet Dark and Negative energies are always associated with Evil. The Light is always associated with Righteousness.
    I hope to show that it is the Dark Side that motivates the Light Side. The reason I say this is for several reasons. Of course, I will be using examples from Star-Wars, but I will also refer to more Earthly examples.
    One of the greatest aspects of my understanding in this area is that it is impossible to live without attachment and emotions despite what any system teaches. Without attachment, we have no real connection. There would be no reason to live. We have a connection to all we love and our goal is to connect, or attach ourselves to the Force, or the Tao, thru "non-attachment". In other words, to let it flow freely.
     Another point is that there is no question that the Force is used for attack, every time ! Every encounter between the Jedi and Sith, both sides use the Force as much as possible. If you do not use it, you will die very quickly ! The following examples are situations in which the Dark Side not only motivates the Light, but empowers it. In the end, maybe you will have a different view of the Dark Side.

    My first example, not in order, is Yoda's concern when it was mentioned that it may be necessary for the Jedi Counsel to take temporary control of the Senate in order to remove the Senator, or the Emperor of course, from power. Why did he say that it would lead the Counsel down a dark path unless he was worried that some Jedi would want to keep that power, arguing that with the Jedi in control, there would be galactic peace. It is a good argument. Could it be called fear that Yoda was feeling? But fear leads to the Dark Side! Without fear, there would not be the instinct to preserve oneself or others in danger.
      Another example is when fear of loss became obvious when the Emperor told Yoda that at last the Jedi were no more and the Sith ruled once again. The anguish in Yodas voice when he replied... "Not if anything to say about it, I have", is obvious! Then he turned that anguish into anger, or even hatred, when he attacked the Emperor! Feeling loss is due to attachment and attachment leads to jealousy as Yoda told Anakin. This too leads to the Dark Side ! I say that self-centeredness causes jealousy. Greed causes jealousy, not attachment.
     At the end of Empire, Luke was frozen in fear, hiding in a corner when Vader was taunting him. However, when Vader threatened Luke's sister, he went into a rage! The thought of Vader going after her not only filled Luke with anger, but he became filled with hatred for Vadar, giving the Light Side the power to do what needed to be done. And yet it did not consume him. He calmed down when he saw Vader putting his arm up in surrender. He showed mercy, after using hatred and anger to defeat Vader. The Dark Side and the Light Side working as one.

    Without the Dark Side the Light has no power!
    Taking a more down to Earth approach, the fear of a parent when their child is in danger. When this fear turns to anger, that person can attain superhuman strength in an instant when their child is being threatened. It is natural to hate that which destroys life. It motivates us to protect who and what we love. Another closely related Dark Side power is rage. This is when all fear is removed.      
        As I stated before attachment is also another aspect of the Dark Side, which leads to times when we will lose that to which we are attached.  This is made clear several times throughout the saga, all by Yoda. If we love someone, having an attachment to them is inevitable. Sure, if we lose someone, we hurt. Another way of putting it would be is that we suffer. If we dont, there is something wrong with us. This too is of the Dark Side. Yet it is through hardships that we grow the most. Thru our greatest trials, we find what we really are made of. This cannot be Evil.
      And remember how the practitioners of Buddhism and advanced practitioners of Martial arts and secret military personnel, use pain to discipline their minds and bodies to become more than human ! All through pain. Bodybuilders are constantly tearing down their bodies to make them stronger. It hurts ! One body part is always healing from a workout. It takes strength to accept pain as a major aspect of one's own path to self-discipline.
    And now  we have what is probably the most accessed power of all… aggression. Now, when born of frustration, you are unbalanced and should make it priority one to get centered again through meditation. Same with the desire for vengeance; it too is self destructive. Emotion is energy and every emotion has its own vibration. These are very powerful and they can both nurture or destroy, depending on the reason or motivation that drives our actions.
It all depends on who has the power.

    Now, we have frustration and vengeance as self-destructive and can lead to blind hatred, especially towards others. These are not Dark Forces, they are self destructive forces! So as for the productive nature of aggression, we have the use of controlled aggression such as an advanced martial artists, or military training. Being aggressiveis vital, but discipline is instilled in those who are trained. These are the keys…discipline and control! With discipline and control, aggression is, as Yoda would say a very powerful Ally!
     And one of my favorite quotes is by Kinobi when he told Luke in Jedi, that what he told Luke about his father was true "from a certain point of view", that what is seen as right or wrong depends " greatly on our own point of view". This speaks volumes about the true nature of things. He did not tell him that his father became Vader, but that he murdered him. Not true, from any point of view.
    There is another great power I believe needs mentioning, and this is excellent because it is both amazing and supernatural at the same time, and has been proven, much to the surprise of the scientists... The particle ! Across any distance, even ten's of thousand's of light years, the particle is capable of sending a signal to another in an instant. With the advanced in Quantum Mechanics, they have shown that the very molecules in human body phase in and out of our reality. So literally some part of us is somewhere else and then reappears. Where do these particles go and why? These particles exist in all life. Is this what was spoken of as Midichlorians in Episode I ? And it does flow from our reality into another like water, like the Tao; like the Force. "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter !" Does this prove that we are all multidimensional ?

    One other thing. Yoda was right when he said that we must unlearn what we have learned, because it is incomplete and every religious system swears up and down that everyone else is lost.  This leads to division and hatred based on a controlling system of beliefs created to control the masses and ensure continuous conflict. We must not make the programmed response that the Dark Side is Evil. These religious systems are Evil. The leaders of these systems who know and are part of the cycle of perpetual war are Evil. Those who desire destruction and prey on the weak are Evil ! I have a great deal of aggression towards them.
     If someone abuses an animal, that person should have to experience the same pain and fear they caused it because all life is sacred and it is only by false pride that man places himself above others. This understanding of life is a connection with life itself. It is felt more than understood. Those who cannot, or choose not to at least respect the sacredness of all life, are a threat to all life.
        So it would seem that these powerful forces: anger, rage, attachment, hatred, and suffering, are all powers of the Dark Side, and yet these very forces are the  one's that drive the Light. To accept Creation as it is, without preconceived ideas, is to accept all Forces of Creation. Otherwise, you only know half of Creation's true greatness.
The Forces of Creation, the Dark and the Light are neither good nor bad. They simply are. Whether they are used for Righteousness or Evil is in the heart and mind of the individual alone. This is what defines us.

                The Great Tao goes everywhere,
              Past your left hand and your right -
                     Filling the whole of space.
                    It is breath to everything,
               and yet it asks for nothing back.
                It feeds and creates everything,
                    yet it will never tell you so.
                         It nurtures all things,
               Without lording it over anything.
           It names itself in the lowest of the low.
                     It holds what it creates,
                    yet never fights to do so.
                 That is why we call It Great
          Why? Because It never tries to be so."

                       - -  Chapter 34 of the Tao Te Ching

   ***If you would like to support my book “Lifting the Veil... From Religion to Spirituality, From Fear to Flight” available on, this web site, or my upcoming new podcast on Podbean called “Lifting the Veil with Author Joshua Crispino” (please

look up the show and follow on the Podbean App!) It would be a tremendous help, as I have chosen to do this full time.

    The show, the book and this site are my work now. Reaching out to as many people as I can is now my goal. I'm expanding my research and will be adding new pages to this site, now that the book is finished,and covering them on the show. I need to move forward so I can actually connect with people one on one., as well as increase this site.

    If this site, and/or my book (please read the book description on Kindle), have helped you as I know they can, and would like to support the new show, please go to and e-mail me so that I can thank you personally at All email is double encrypted and privacy is honored. Again, it would be a tremendous help!


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