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Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Goddess


    This article was originally going to be the first chapter of a book I'm writing. The reason I decided to release it now is because I feel that it is urgent. Humanity has to change completely as a spiritual race to alter the current path of atrocities against natural and spiritual laws which have resulted in mass abuses of the planet and all life on it. This can only be done when the feminine powers of Creation become dominant in humanity just as in the rest of nature. This force exists in its purest form on Earth in the human female…

    What has been more praised in art and poetry than the human female as the highest

form of beauty and natural perfection? Yet, it is that very power that is most suppressed

on the spiritual level for thousands of years, not to mention the religious laws that make it

far worse by putting the man in a position of absolute authority. These men are

unimaginatively abusive towards “ their property “. This has been done with great

planning and execution throughout the past several millennia thru the creation of

religious doctrine that in these cases, at the very least, puts women as secondary in that

women must submit !

Others have gone so far as to make women nothing but servants, less than human,

subject to torture and death for disobedience. But why? If

in all far more ancient systems worshipped the Goddess as the nurturer of all life and

looked at women as the very embodiment of the Goddess, why these new systems in

which the Goddess is suppressed? Because as hard as it may be to believe, these are

male deities who are very aggressive and war-loving, as you only need read the stories of

death and rampages they have recorded as their very own acts for defiance of their will.

They demand that they alone be praised for all that is good, while recording mass

murder in their own doctrine by their own hand.

    Even in the New Testament we have the apostles clearly so jealous of the relationship

Jesus had with Mary ( who was written to be a prostitute, but was not !) Because he

would speak to her about subjects he wouldn't discuss with them and that he showed her

affection to the point of kissing her with an open mouth. They would make sure that their

“Message” would not have a woman teaching them anything, as Mary often did. The fact

is there are certain things that only the feminine can express in a way that can be

understood. There are some spiritual aspects of Creation that only a female can teach

because they are the feminine aspects of Creation. It just makes sense. That is why the

human race is so one-sided in nature. The masculine is nurtured while the feminine is

suppressed. This has lead to the Wars over greed and the willingness to kill and destroy

to get it. If you suppress the feminine and follow a male deity with women issues, this is

what happens.

    What is this energy, referred to also as the “Goddess”, that is so powerful that it would

alter the state of human consciousness? The Goddess energy can connect very

personally with the Earth, unlike the masculine. The feminine is more gentle and

nurturing towards life. It is the feminine aspect of the Earth that is responsible for all life

on it, also referred to as Gaia… the creator of all life on Earth.

The following quotation comes

“The first Greek god was actually a goddess. She is Gaia, or Mother Earth, who created herself out of primordial chaos. From her fertile womb all life sprang, and unto Mother Earth all living things must return after their allotted span of life is over.
    Gaia, as Mother Nature, personifies the entire ecosystem of Planet Earth. Mother Nature is always working to achieve and maintain harmony, wholeness and balance within the environment. Mother Nature heals, nurtures and supports all life on this planet, and ultimately all life and health depend on Her. In time, Nature heals all ills.
    The way of Mother Gaia is the passive, feminine, Yin way of healing. All we need to do to regain our health is to return to the bosom of Mother Nature and live in accordance with Her laws. The Gaia archetype underlies all notions of the Nature Cure. Mother Nature is a healing goddess.”

*** This is one example of almost all systems of ancient believe in which the Goddess is more powerful than any other spiritual power, and in the case of the Wars between the beings in their history books, the female deities were most feared. Their connection to the higher forces gave them more power ! Like they say… “ Hell hath no fury” ! There's a reason for that saying and I am sure it was well earned. *Just look up the Goddess Isis, and Ishtar.*

    This article speaks volumes to the true power of the feminine, as the human female is

embodiment of Gaia, and to what those powers entail. For one, the Goddess seeks

balance, which today there is nothing but unbalance. The way humanity is polluting the

Earth’s oceans, skies, and freshwater is a disgrace. There is also the taking of resources

like they last forever, and with no concern of the repercussions when there is technology

that can not only replace all fossil fuel, but repair the damage to the entire ecosystem!

This is contradictory to every law of nature. Mankind is acting just like a virus.

Consumption without replenishment, then move on.

    Creation, acting in perfect balance between the destructive and creative powers can

be seen in the complete destruction of an ancient forest by a volcano's inferno only to

discover that the only way a new forest can be created, is by the intense heat of the

forest fire, burning for days. This creates the heat needed to crack open the shell

covering the seed and the cooled lava is nutrition to the new forest. Balance !

    The second aspect mentioned is harmony. Harmony is the state in which the forces

actually work together the way they are meant to. It is most vital to mention here that in

the places where women are the most suppressed are the most violent and hateful places

on Earth, nothing but chaos ! This is no coincidence. Without the power of the goddess

shining thru these women, hatred and death, war and pain will always be the norm nd it

will get worse.

    The Goddess energy creates because Creation wants only for you to work in harmony

with, not in servitude of ! This requires knowledge and understanding. We need to be

taught not controlled, guided and not forced. Nothing should be hidden so long as we

learn as we grow in Spirit so as to maintain balance and harmony.

    Another aspect mentioned is that the feminine energy is that it is nurturing ! This is in

complete opposition to what is now known as Mid-Eastern Religion today. In these

religions, “God “ is not nurturing, but literally threatens non-believers with eternal


beyond human comprehension. Again, a male deity with extreme aggression. Just read

the books and the destruction is amazing! And we see nothing related to a nurturing

force in any of this. The definition of nurture is “ the process of caring for and

encouraging the growth and development of someone or something”. The essence of the

Goddess as I know it to be. In ancient times, when the Goddess was well known,

mankind never used to destroy without reason. If they cut down trees to build, they

planted more trees.

   Today's industrial complex not only wipes out forests, but poisons the ground, the water;

everything that goes against nature. Mankind will never learn to work with Nature,until

they realize that they are part of it! Without the Goddess shining and radiating thru

humanity, they never will.

     As we are all children of the Divine, we are open to, 

and have full access to Divine Mysteries and all things 

we have been taught are evil. You have complete 

access to it all

thru the consciousness of Creation itself ! In truth, you are meant to know these

Mysteries. It's your birth-right. The two great Western religions (actually Mid-Eastern),

keep this hidden knowledge to themselves and use it for very selfish reasons, insidious

reasons. The Vatican vault holds mankind's true history and purpose well hidden as far

as manuscripts and artifacts are concerned. Recently though, the Sumerian texts, much

has been uncovered. but the Divine is within you, and with the

massive information online concerning spirituality and the real truth out there for all to

see, it no longer matters what they keep in a vault. Creation is the only teacher we need.

And as I said before, the information is there !

Once you get past the fear and terror tactics of their brainwashing, you realize that reality

is far greater than you ever imagined. You can be taught. You can begin to be nurtured.

    Another aspect of the Goddess is that by nature, it is passive. That says a great deal

looking at the world today and all its conflicts. Passive is almost always mistaken for

weakness, as anything non-violent usually is. Passive is a state in which you are at peace

with what others do, or to simply allow life to happen without feeling the need to respond.

Simply put, it's leaving things as they are without interfering.

    Passive can also be seen as the ability to work or do anything without being distracted.
If we do not learn to become passive, every little thing will bother us. Non-passive people

get angry about a great deal because they think that everything that bothers them, exists

to bother them. They are introverted in that they can only relate to themselves. While in

truth, there will always be traffic, long lines, and so on. If we accept them as an absolute

fact of life, we can become more observant, as we will not be clouded by frustration.

Passive is acceptance, in that we are at peace with life. This is done by cultivating the

feminine side of being. Not seeing things we looked forward to doing as a child, as a

burden now. Learning to live in abundance begins by letting go of the useless thoughts

and feelings we have towards everyday life. What are these things we need to learn to

accept, or become passive towards? Whatever “gets on our nerves” but isn't ours to do

anything about. When we become passive, the things in life that used to bother us, can

actually become very entertaining! This is one of the simple mysteries of life.

    Another aspect of the Divine Feminine is something lacking today, and that is

compassion.  Simple concern for others and actually caring about the lives of others, be

it another person, or any form of life. If the feminine forces of compassion permeated

throughout humanity, there would not be famine or hunger. The thought of others being

hungry or ruled over would be dealt with swiftly. War would not exist as humanity as a

whole would take care of itself by caring for and being there for each other. The system

of control that exists today would be replaced with lifting each other up and supporting

each other. The technology that is being hidden for greed would be utilized for the benefit

of humanity and the entire planet.  Because the information is there. And with

compassion, there would be true empathy !

    The last aspect I will touch on is … the power of healing. Once the Goddess is in full

force and

her energy is able to flow thru humanity, the Spirit of humanity will heal. Because of this,

the feminine energy of the Earth will explode. The human race will become far more

advanced in both mind and spirit. They will, with the Earth's spiritual power, create a new

reality. And in this time, all will be new.

    A few important things to remember about the feminine… the feminine does not

require nor desire worship, only open communication. Worship prevents harmony and

the creation of genuine relationships.

Creation is conscious of it's Power. It doesn't need the human race to tell it. Relationship,

not worship. Appreciation, such as throwing your hands up in praise is like giving

Creation a hug. Creation's purpose for you is that you

become more attuned and more open, so that you may be guided to co-create wondrous

things and learn to feel Creation flowing thru you. There will be no greed as mankind's

reward will reverberate thru them as what can only be described as “Divine Satisfaction”

as well as living the rewards of the beauty they have created in harmony with the Divine

creative forces of the Goddess. This is true praise… to live a life of appreciation !  The

pouring out of ourselves to Creation knowing that Creation is pouring itself into us. To be

in love with Creation and the essence of life itself is to know perfection.  Live with Divine

Purpose !

    Also, the Goddess does not proclaim to own anything, because the essence of the

Goddess is everything. She is the steward of life, and the human race needs her now

more than ever. And unlike what mankind has been taught, the Earth is to be cultivated

and loved by mankind. Mankind obviously cannot, nor  has no right to rule it. However,

due to the “mankind has been

given dominance over the Earth and all her creatures”  theory, the human race has

treated the Earth and all her creatures on it is a disposable gift to violate, abuse and

destroy. Mankind has been given the masculine only approach to life and we see the

result. The Goddess however, is most wise in that she is a Divine Master of all the forces

of Creation listed above. Part of Wisdom is knowing what to use and when to use it. With

her,  massive power does not come with a massive desire to use it as it does with the

masculine forces. Her power lies in gentleness. But cross her, create chaos and try to

willingly or unwillingly destroy what she has created and nurtured, and you will find an

aggression unmatchable !

    The final point I would like to make is that the Goddess is to be nurtured as well. It is

feminine and by nature, does not want to dominate or control, it wants to be loved,

honored and respected. It is the guiding forces of Creation, the feminine is a gentle force

in all it's essence. When we demonstrate any of the Divine Feminine, we are expressing

these things to her, and you will feel it very strongly inside ! But as I said before, the

human female is the greatest source of Divine Light incarnate on Earth. 

They must be

allowed to shine or mankind will never change. It will happen however. It has already

begun on a grand scale as the vibrations of the individual continue to increase as it is in

the entire Solar System. This cannot be stopped. There is nothing anyone can do about

this transition as it is the transition from Pisces to Aquarius. But on the individual level,

we can utilize these vibrations now ! As for the grander scale of this, all women must be

released from systems that keep them suppressed, and in most cases, abused and seen

of as property. The greatest abomination on Earth because of what they are going

through, and the Light that is not allowed to shine. All to maintain a world or war and

greed. So show them the greatest of respect, as women are the Divine’s greatest Light.

When they shine, when they connect to the Goddess within, they will transform all

around them.

      Links for study…

   ***If you would like to support my book “Lifting the Veil... From Religion to Spirituality, From Fear to Flight” available on, this web site, or my upcoming new podcast on Podbean called “Lifting the Veil with Author Joshua Crispino” (please

look up the show and follow on the Podbean App!) It would be a tremendous help, as I have chosen to do this full time.

    The show, the book and this site are my work now. Reaching out to as many people as I can is now my goal. I'm expanding my research and will be adding new pages to this site, now that the book is finished,and covering them on the show. I need to move forward so I can actually connect with people one on one., as well as increase this site.

    If this site, and/or my book (please read the book description on Kindle), have helped you as I know they can, and would like to support the new show, please go to and e-mail me so that I can thank you personally at All email is double encrypted and privacy is honored. Again, it would be a tremendous help!***




Didalarion said...

Profound... We thank thee for shining Her Love Light and Wisdom through. Divine satisfaction in your holy healing words healing this world. Thank you so very much. --- Maria Didalarion and The star of Sion

Joshua Crispino said...


You're comments are why I do this. We are making a difference!

Unknown said...

Thank You for your beautiful words. I am truly free. Sending love and light to all.

Joshua Crispino said...

Thank you so much. I just learned how to reply to comments. Feel free to contact me at

Joshua Crispino said...

You are why I am here. Thank you 😊