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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Are Prayers Feeding the True Beast?

     One of the oldest and most sacred spiritual acts in human expression is prayer. From what I have experienced, there are two forms of prayer. The first is the genuine expression of one's will “calling out” to higher energies and forces for assistance in altering or creating something. A call to bring something into existence that otherwise would not be, by opening oneself up to the very forces that created them, in order to co-create. This is pure communication between Creation and Created and it should be this way. Because you are a part of Creation, it feels everything you do and hears your spirit when it opens up and wishes to be heard. 
     By pouring oneself into Creation, everything becomes possible! Direct union and communion with Creation is the Destiny of all who seek it, and it is the Source of all wisdom and understanding. The true Holy Spirit is the Essence of Creation itself and not one part of a three part god! It is this Spirit that is referred to as the Tao, or the Spirit of Enlightenment, the Force, the All-Knowing and so on. (This is the Pure Source of all knowledge and Spiritual perfection, Power and Sight. You do not need an intermediary! All the great teachers taught this, because they knew that “intermediaries” can have alternate motives and take advantage of the seeker, misleading them. I really don't have to say much about this because it is the spiritual instinct in every human being to be one with Creation, and no matter how deceived or mislead one has been, nothing can prevent the power of Creation from burning it away as Divine Truth flows thru the individual. Programming is replaced with Wisdom, Suppression is replaced with Expression and enslavement is replaced with Enlightenment.
All spiritual Masters constantly seek harmony
with Creation by meditation and
praying from the spirit within.

     Now having ritual to express one's appreciation, respect and love for Creation while opening up to join with the Spirit of Creation on a higher level is a beautiful act. This is also a vital tool for many to act as a catalyst for the individual to be able to leave the obvious and enter the unseen but All-Powerful Force. With pure intention, comes pure results. With ill intent, comes ill result, because when you have ill intent, you get the attention of lesser beings. Creation will not be taken advantage of or misused. There can be no separation between ritual and witchcraft. The only difference is that ritual is just repeated action, while witchcraft comes with intention.
In Christian ritual, a substitute for blood such as wine or juice is used and bread is used as human flesh. Color it anyway you like, but it is the same. Take also into consideration that in most churches there is a huge cross hanging in the center with a dead man on it. If it's about resurrection, why only focus on the torture and death? 
     Would it not be more appropriate to have a statue of a resurrected Jesus, glowing with power? This brings a very bad feeling in my stomach when I think of the image they use to advertise their savior. The Crucifix is the symbol for all things Christian and it is the symbol of death! They also celebrate his death in the ritual of Communion every week but only celebrate his resurrection once a year!
     This brings me to the second way prayer is used: as a food source. As I said before, there are higher beings that can assist us, and we can call on them for their assistance, but to pray to them is another matter. A true “Master” or “Enlightened” being would never want to be worshiped. To do so would to be saying that they are higher than Creation itself. “If a wise man says he is wise, he is a fool...” remember? Going by this logic, what would a higher being be if he or she declared themselves the Divine Creator? From wise to fool and from Enlightened to ...insane? 
    A spiritual suicide in a way. An enlightened being giving itself completely to it's own ego, and as we all know an ego needs to be fed! Now how can a being once filled with power from Creation, substitute that power if only for his own survival? What about other spiritual beings who are unaware of their potential? Take their energy! And what better way to take their energy than to take their will? “Give your life and soul to the Lord your God!” Sounds like something the Devil is supposed to say! 
     The expression of the will to Creation itself is the most powerful form of spirituality and is therefore the most powerful energy. Tell them you are their creator and make them pray to you, and you have a constant source of spiritual energy. Not only this, but as a bonus, they also have to worship you and live with you on their mind as they monitor their thoughts so as not to sin against you. This anxiety and guilt are also good sources of energy because it is created by the feeling that they have betrayed or offended you as you have drilled it into their minds that they can never be good enough. 
     Evangelical Christians who are totally committed are his greatest source of Creative Energy because they are most dedicated to him spiritually. They are constantly praising him and giving him their most precious gift: their very soul! When they are singing and dancing in praise of him, they are doing so with pure intention and their innocence and love for life is directed at HIM and not Creation. In point of fact, these people are some of the most spiritually empowered to ever walk the planet. If that power was used to connect with Creation and not given to a false god, they would become great lights, but instead, they become unknowing servants to a sociopath!
     In point of fact, they are great Lights, but he acts as a lamp shade, closest to the source of the light: the human spirit. He surrounds the spirit like a lamp shade surrounding a light bulb, absorbing the light instead of it radiating outward. Everything they do that is wonderful and loving would be far greater if that shade was lifted, because it is light that has not been absorbed by which they do these things, just like a lamp shade does not conceal the light, it does prevent most of it from shining. Even so, get some of them together and they can heal the dying. Not because of their god's power, but because they are lifting the shade and using their own power and light to heal! He just takes credit for it. Their power to heal and create is otherworldly in many cases, but never the less, he steals most of it because credit is given to him and not the Creative Forces.
Some gravitate to the Evangelical branch of the Christian religion because it encourages open spiritual expression, and they have an unlimited amount to give, so they go where it's encouraged. 
     Before the creation of the Abrahamic religions, the spiritual seekers danced around fires and played music (tones) to bring the Powers into focus and unite with Creation, would meditate to commune with Creation. That has been replaced by slavery of the soul and all that spiritual energy, no matter how good the intent, goes to him because it is directed to him by the will of the one who is expressing their will thru prayer, ritual, act or whatever. What should be a union between Creation and Created becomes a corrupt hijacking of the human spirits energy and life's will, preventing any spiritual growth. A spiritual battery for an insane master. He is stealing spiritual energy by enslaving the human race! 
     I would also say that the second greatest source of power for him today is the Muslim extremists because they worship him like a slave in love with their owner! The pain and suffering, death and destruction they cause is a superior source of energy for the ego aspect of this deity. What feeds the ego better than to have people so loyal to you that they will kill anyone and anything you want them too while praising your name all the while? The imposition of the will is the imposition of the ego! Forcing others to comply or die is the act of a tyrant, not a loving father. Just like being praised for killing your own son while declaring it an act of love is justification in the mind of a killer.
The TEN are the 7 son's and 3 daughters
of Job, because of a sick, egotistical bet! "God" had no problem
ordering the deaths of thousands. Further study of his killings

     One who is insane seeks not sanity, but others to believe what they believe and see things their way. If someone is willing to murder pregnant women and children for you, you may be justified in your own mind that it is necessary to slaughter in order to be seen as the one and only supreme deity. When you already think your great, having people willing to pray, worship and kill for you makes it all the worse. The power mad become mad for more power. It just makes sense. 
     Man was meant to be taught, not enslaved. That brings a saying to mind “A master that cannot bow to his own student is not a master.” Why is this? Because a master that does not bow, cannot see the Divine in the student, only his own ego is seen and in the eyes of the ego, “you bow to me, I don't bow to you” is what the ego lives by. This is why a “master” is no Master if they see ego over the Divine. After all, this is the true teaching is it not? To see the Divine over the ego, not the ego over the Divine! In this aspect, we have one who claims to be Divine but sees only the Divine in himself and claims to be the Great Master if you will of all life while at the same time, giving commands to murder children and pregnant women.
     The great truth remains: to seek the Divine over the self (as this is where the true self flourishes), and to make all life greater by co-creation and the expression of the Spirit thru Unconditional Love. This is what it is to be a true Light. Only an egomaniac would want to replace that with fear, guilt and shame. “For my god is a vengeful god!” Vengeance is born of ego, not love! And the threat to burn you forever if you do not submit is not something a loving father could even threaten let alone follow thru on. As for wrath, that is born of pure hate uncontrolled. This is not the Creator. He did not create anything but the chaos resulting from his tyranny! He didn't save the human race, he enslaved them. He did not give them freedom, he gave them chains. But now humanity has the key to release from those chains, their very spirit and eternal life as a spiritual entity.
   See the lies for what they are. A dead body hanging from a cross is not a very good symbol for resurrection, but is a great symbol for death! A loving father would sacrifice himself, not his son (unless you get off on that sort of thing,. Remember the Abraham, Isaac story? Kill your son for me to prove I am your master and you are loyal to me above all else? Nobody does that to a loving parent unless they get off on the fear and terror it creates! The only reason he didn't have him kill Isaac is due to the possibility that Abraham would grow to hate his god over time. After all, say your god if you want but wrong is wrong. Abraham would have eventually seen his god as an egotistical, homicidal, psychopath who forced him to kill his own son).

  The True God would never promise dozens of virgins for killing others and killing yourself in the process. Only a deity that understands the mind of the truly perverse would offer up such a delightful temptation to the sexually twisted pigs who think women are possessions, when in fact, they are superior by nature. That is why they are suppressed. A male deity who himself sees the feminine as his greatest threat, creates a system of religions in which women are either slaves or at least sexual tools to their pig masters. This is one injustice that will not go unpunished. The Divine Feminine is the most powerful force on Earth, always has been. Long before mankind, before man's ego, there was the Divine Feminine working in perfect union with the Divine Creation. 
     This is the reason for the suppression of women in Abrahamic could free mankind from the chains of this god's ego. Not enough can be said about this so I will not get too far off course.
My point is that there is a system of control that has been created by a deity that does not have your interests in mind. 
   How many of us have seen “religious” people pray in church service? I grew up in a Catholic church and it was like listening to a funeral. Just words repeated over and over without emotion. The “Our Father”, the “Hail Mary” are not prayers. Prayers can only be genuine if they come from the will of the Divine within reaching out to the Divine Source throughout, with emotion and love. 
   Repeating things over and over is excellent for producing a trance state if you are trying to enter a meditative state such as the “ohm” sound, using vibration as an aid. To repeat without feeling is useless. Prayer is a spiritual expression, not a ritual; it is a living act and can never be read from paper written by someone else. Like a muscle, the spirit is meant to be used, flexed and made stronger. Religious repetition can only be used as a tool for mass programming. Everything will be done for you if you just give yourself to me does not sound righteous but deceptive. 
  Man does not need a god, it needs teachers!

  ***If you would like to support my book “Lifting the Veil... From Religion to Spirituality, From Fear to Flight” available on, this web site, or my upcoming new podcast on Podbean called “Lifting the Veil with Author Joshua Crispino” (please

look up the show and follow on the Podbean App!) It would be a tremendous help, as I have chosen to do this full time.

    The show, the book and this site are my work now. Reaching out to as many people as I can is now my goal. I'm expanding my research and will be adding new pages to this site, now that the book is finished,and covering them on the show. I need to move forward so I can actually connect with people one on one., as well as increase this site.

    If this site, and/or my book (please read the book description on Kindle), have helped you as I know they can, and would like to support the new show, please go to and e-mail me so that I can thank you personally at All email is double encrypted and privacy is honored. Again, it would be a tremendous help!***



Unknown said...

I like this. This proves the chakras aren't bad. We just need to learn how to use them. I have a friend on Facebook who told me that they were a cosmic program designed to harvest and steal our energy. That's only if you direct your energy away from creation. He was trying to convince me to remove my chakras.

Joshua Crispino said...

The goal is to balance and empower the chakras, using Creation's power as the source used to do so. Chakras are Spiritual and a great aspect of your being as a whole.